It is a very timid bird species from the lark family. Turkey's largest toy bird species which, at the same time is one of the largest flying birds in the world.

  The wingspan of male toys can reach 260 cm in length and their weight can reach 18 kg. Female teens reach only half of this size and weigh a maximum of 8 kg. They are large birds with big legs and brown spots. Adult males have a hairy beard

  Toy animals especially prefer fields and prairies to forage.

Mature birds feed on seeds, seeds, fruits, grass, insects and small mammals.

Poaching and habitat loss are the most important factors that accelerate the extinction process of the species, as it is popular and easy prey due to its large size.

  Toy animals commonly live in a wide geography from Mongolia to Spain. It is already extinct in most countries and is in danger of extinction in the countries where they are located today. Hunting of birds is the target of Toyama is known to have lived around 2000 in Turkey.


Its one of the 12 rarest mammals in the world. Mediterranean Monk Seals were performed in the Mediterranean coasts and the East Atlantic coast with 1000s from Portugal to West African coasts to Senegal until the beginning of the 20th century.

  The number of Mediterranean Seals in the world does not exceed 400.Seals make areas that love calm and do not pollute the sea. It is a home in Foça, the coastal town of Izmir's district

    To protect seals; In the Siren Rocks, where seals are heavily seen, with the cooperation of Foça Municipality and Special Environmental Protection Board; boating, diving, catching seafood and Orak Island

   Therefore, in 1991, Foça was chosen as a pilot area to protect the Mediterranean Monk Seals.  Henry Ford European Environmental Protection Award was given to Foça Pilot Project in 1998.   approximately in Turkey


Bornean orangutan populations have declined by more than 50% over the past 60 years, and the species' habitat has been reduced by at least 55% over the past 20 years.

The Bornean orangutan differs in appearance from the Sumatran orangutan, with a broader face and shorter beard and also slightly darker in color. Three subspecies are recognized, each localized to different parts of the island:

·         Northwest Bornean orangutans are the most threatened subspecies. Its habitat has been seriously affected by logging and hunting, and a mere 1,500 individuals or so remain. Many habitat patches in the area are small and fragmented.

·         Northeast Bornean orangutans are the smallest in size and found in Sabah and eastern Kalimantan as far as the Mahakam River.

·         Central Bornean orangutans are the subspecies with the most animals, with at least 35,000 individuals.


Sloths—the sluggish tree-dwellers of Central and South America—spend their lives in the tropical rain forests. They move through the canopy at a rate of about 40 yards per day, munching on leaves, twigs and buds. Sloths have an exceptionally low metabolic rate and spend 15 to 20 hours per day sleeping. And surprisingly enough, the long-armed animals are excellent swimmers. They occasionally drop from their treetop perches into water for a paddle.



Sloths are an integral part of tropical rain forest ecosystems. Among the most common mid-sized mammals in Central and South American rain forests is the brown-throated sloth.


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